MetaDrain Wallet Drainer
The best Metamask Wallet Drainer/Crypto Stealer
Metamask Wallet Drainer
BTC 0.005
- Easy to modify Smart Contract
- PHP Script Template with Metamask integration. No database required.
- Setup Instructions and best methods for publishing included
- Drain Metamask Currencies such as Eth, USDC, USDT, BUSD, Matic, and other ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 based tokens
- Steal Metamask NFTs
- Drain any future Metamask transactions
- All code is unencrypted, safe, and easy to read and edit
- Email Support
- Lifetime Updates
How It Works
- We will include a detailed step by step manual on how everything
works, with plenty of troubleshooting steps for possible issues you may
run into.
- With MetaDrain you will receive 2 pre-made PHP website template with Metamask integration.
- One template is a fake Token/NFT AirDrop minting page, and the
second one is a Baked Beans staking clone. Both can be easily modified
for any crypto token.
- Here is the basic process:
- 1. Set up a domain with the PHP Script (We recommend web hosting that allows Crypto as a payment method, Hostinger for example)
- 2. Edit the contract config with your details such as your wallet address
- 3. Deploy Smart Contract and integrate it into the PHP Script
- 4. Edit the website script to fit your needs
- 5. Share the website on different AirDrop and dApp sites, Telegram, TikTok, etc.
- 6. Once a user opens the website, Metamask will pop up to request authorization
- 7. User clicks on Connect button (Can be changed to Mint, Invest, etc.)
- 8. Metamask opens again to "Confirm", this is the request that opens up the users wallet to the drainer
- 9. Once the user has confirmed it, the Smart Contract will
automatically sweep through all of the users tokens and NFTs and send
them to your wallet or tumbler.
- 10. Any future incoming and outgoing transactions will also be intercepted and sent to your wallet
- Note: Once a user notices their wallet has been swept, they can revoke the Smart Contract allowance.
Based on these Popular Drainers
- Inferno Drainer
- Monkey Drainer
- Aurory NFT Sweeper
- Venom Crypto Drainer
- Angel Drainer
- Drainware Sweeper
© MetaDrain 2024 - [email protected]